A Fine Imitation is a realistic historical fiction novel, that was an enjoyably quick read, centered around Vera in alternating chapters between two different times in Vera's lifetime - pre-war 1913 and post war 1923. I was worried about the alternating chapters, centering around the same character ten years apart being confusing, but I fell into the rhythm of the book quickly, and the timeline was done in a way that complemented the overall plot.
The integral theme of wanting to be set free from an imitation of life set in societal norms as opposed to personal fulfillment, in a high society man's world where maintaining reputation means everything - a least to Vera and her family, ended up being less shallow than I thought it would be. I did however like that the conclusion of being able to be set free, having choice, and being daring enough not to answer to anyone unless you choose to was refreshing.
The climax felt anticlimactic to me after being built up after so long, and I didn't love parts of the ending (her husband's reaction to everything she had done annoyed me - in fact her husband annoyed me in general), but the book itself was well written and intriguing from the very beginning.
I received a copy of A Fine Imitation from BloggingForBooks.