About the Book Nook

My name is Mandy. I am a 21 year old college student who LOVES to read {if you haven't guessed yet}. Well, when I can. Because college honestly doesn't leave much time for leisure reading. So, I kinda binge read on vacations like it's an unhealthy mental disorder.

In a healthy way. Because what could be unhealthy about books??? Nobody answer that question.

I am working on a degree in Elementary Ed., so not only do I love cutesy things, but half of my "read shelf" on GoodReads.com consists of children's books and adolescent literature - just in case you were wondering anything about my juvenile book choices.

Also, no one seems to want to listen to me rant over the books that I read {except for my sister, whose always up for book discussion}, and turns out kids don't really love it when you go total-book-nerd on them either. Hence, the main reason for starting this lovely blog. So get ready for some rants - I'm gonna get it all out here.

My favorite books include; The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys, The Secret of Happy Ever After by Lucy Dillon, Safe Haven by Nichols Sparks, The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke, Margot by Jillian Cantor, Peter Pan {or Peter and Wendy} by J.M. Barrie, and anything and everything by any of those authors. I also love classics - anything by Jane Austen is totally up for reading all of the time.

I started this book blog {Book Nook's Books} based on the fact that, for one, I need a place to rant, and, for two, all of the books that I review have been in my own little Book Nook at some point in time whether they were library books or my own books and they deserve to be shared with the world. One book at a time. On this Book Blog. These are my Book Nook's Books.