Saturday, July 26, 2014
A Little Something by Richard Haddaway
"Katherine Warren, M.D., is a no-nonsense pediatrician who serves the small and suffering in a Texas barrio clinic. She thinks she’s seen it all, but then it all hits home. Her ten-year-old son is brought to the edge of death by a medical accident in a dentist’s office.
Katherine, her CPA husband, Sam, her grandmother, her best friend, her scientific colleagues – the finest minds and biggest hearts – rally to the aid of the boy, who is locked in darkness.
Sam and Katherine, twin towers of rationality, must come to terms with difficult yet sustaining truths. When all seems lost, this is what remains: Below hope, beyond the reach of religion or science, at the point of surrender lies something in our trembling center that keeps us going. A small, quiet mystery. A little something."
Beautifully written.
A Little Something is beautifully written and designed, each character seems to have their own voice in the narration.
We meet Justin first thing, a typical 10 year old boy with a lot of energy, but also a boy who is hit in the face with a foul baseball during a game. Not too much trouble there - maybe a slight concussion and a loose tooth - and Justin, like any ten year old boy, wears those battle wounds proudly. But therein lies the beginning of the story when(view spoiler)
Haddaway's narration is absolutely flawless, and has a certain indescribable flow to it. The characters were so vivid and real, and I was impressed by how well the essence of a ten year old boy was portrayed throughout the book. And without us ever really meeting Justin too! I thought it interesting that Justin was actually only really in the first chapter, and anything else we learn about his personality is through flashbacks of his parents or Granny.
I found myself laughing at quite a few moments in the book, though the storyline is actually pretty dark and depressing. Haddaway’s interpretation of a family moving through fear, hope, guilt, anger, and remorse and so many other emotions that come with grief was so moving and tender and handled with deep emotion, but also with understanding.
The entire story was so bittersweet and (view spoiler) the ending followed that theme right out to the end.
I think the most touching scenes were the ones that involved Toady, Justin’s best friend, and the scenes with the firefighters, and I loved the fact that all of the staff over at the fire department ended up (view spoiler).
I had such high hopes for reading this book and was not disappointed – definitely a book worth reading.
**I won a copy of A Little Something for free through a Goodreads First Reads Giveaway**